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Profile Summary: Research Experience: Dr. Susan Hagadorn, Faculty Member
Nationality: USA
Qualifications: EdD in Organization and Leadership from University of San Francisco, Master of Public Administration in Nonprofit Organization Management from University of San Francisco and BA in social Welfare from University of California
Courses taught: Leadership Development Skills, Academic Writing
She had worked as Dean and Associate Professor of Faculty of Arts, Letters and Humanities at Pannasastra University of Cambodia (PUC). She had worked as education advisor and independence consultant before she joined PUC. During her time at PUC, she supervised (a) Ven. Kou Sopheap, (b) H.E. Veng Sereyvuth, (c) Mr. Lit Vai and (d) Ven. Penh Vibol. In the State, she used to be Deputy Director of Global Health Leadership Program, also a Director of Development and Communication Program at Oakland, California and Washington, DC.
• Dissertation: Khmer Rouge Survivors Retell Culture for the Children of Cambodia: A Critical Hermeneutic Orientation to Narrative Imagination and Ethical Action
• Directed Research: Management Approaches to New Business Development in Nonprofit Research Organizations
• Hagadorn, S., & Kluttz, J. (2019). Early Childhood Education in Cambodia. Developing Systems for Sustainable Development in Cambodia. Phnom Penh: Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia.
• Hagadorn, S. (2015). Training Preschool Teachers in Cambodia: Theoretical Foundations and Classroom Applications. Phnom Penh: Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia.
• Hagadorn, S. (2014). The Status of Early Childhood Education in Cambodia: Conference Report. Phnom Penh: Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia.
• Hagadorn, S. (2009). National Conference on Strengthening Partnerships with Indigenous Communities in Natural Resources Management: Summary Proceedings and Action Plan. Phnom Penh: Development and Partnerships in Action.
• Hagadorn, S. (2008). An Analysis of Gender in Cambodia with Recommendations for Programming: A Report to Trocaire/Cambodia.
• Lambert, V., Britt, C., Prok, V., & Hagadorn, S. (2006). Gender Analysis and Assessment for USAID/Cambodia: Volumes I and II. Bethesda, MD: DevTech Systems.
• Hagadorn, S., & Rae, G. (2004). Reframing Personal Narrative as a Path to Leadership: A Global Perspective. Building Leadership Bridges. Washington, DC: International Leadership Association.